Welcome legend, happy you’ve joined us in making yourself a better person over the next 66 days. Why 66 days? Because it takes 66 days for you to form new habits.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Ryun

The game plan is pretty simple, follow these 6 basic rules, every day, and see yourself turning into a version you’ve never thought you could be.

You might think this is silly and won’t change anything, but believe me, having personally respected all of these rules for the last few months I can tell you that it fundamentally changed me, for the better.

SOCIAL MEDIA STORY TEMPLATE - to show others that you are participating https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JZoC03iEE7hwZojaZ3phCAu3JF2pVlzM/view?usp=sharing

MOBILE WALLPAPER - to remind you what mission you’re on https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MfO7Cht2vWBkRxo2unu03EyhBu6TkLSR/view?usp=sharing

INSTAGRAM STORY FILTER - to post your progress on your stories https://www.instagram.com/ar/525672013035576/

HABITS TRACKER - to keep you on track (it’s best to create a Notion account for this and DUPLICATE the file on your Notion)


If you want to post videos or photos of your progress, don’t forget to tag #code66 and #misfitted so we can feature you.