Jenna Marbles

Jenna Marbles joined youtube February 16th, 2010. She started youtube by talking to a webcam about her young adult problems. She then stared doing joke tutorials to mock them and show what they would be like for the average person. Jenna's target audience is teens, although with her newer videos you could argue they are for women 20-30 years of age. In her newer videos she does many different things, from doing things with her dogs to reviewing Tik Toks. Jenna Marbles is a youtuber that has been able to stay popular by staying up to date with what her viewers want to watch.

The Process

Youtube Video

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Clarke, T. (2019, December 23). Jenna Marbles Is the Most Wholesome Content Creator, and These Videos Prove It. Retrieved February 28, 2020, from (2010, February 16). JennaMarbles. Retrieved February 28, 2020, from ['leary]('leary), A. (2013, April 12). The Woman With 1 Billion Clicks: Jenna Marbles. Retrieved February 28, 2020, from is Jenna Marbles and Why is She so Popular? . (2018, April 18). Retrieved February 28, 2020, from