
dj is the CLI tool for Darwinia Bridge, which is a cross-chain bridge currently supports bidirectional cross chain relay between Ethereum and Darwinia.

Darwinia supports the cross-chain bridge of Ethereum by implementing an Ethereum light client(Darwinia ChainRelay) on its chain. Therefore, someone needs to submit the Ethereum block headers to this light client. dj is such a tool, anyone can use it to submit block headers to the Ethereum light client on Darwinia and get rewards.



yarn global add @darwinia/dj

Now you can type dj in your command-line:

> dj
dj <[email protected]>

	dj balance [address]            Get balance of account address
  dj config [edit]                Show config
  dj proposal <block>             Submit a relay proposal to darwinia
  dj transfer <address> <amount>  Transfer RING to darwinia account

  --help, -h     Show help                                             [boolean]
  --version, -V  Show version number


By default, dj is configured to point to the Infura Ethereum node and the official Darwinia crab network node. So you can immediately start using dj to submit Ethereum block headers to the Darwinia crab network and get rewards.


When the dj command is executed for the first time, you will be asked to input a seed. At this time, you need to enter the seed you have prepared and press Enter to continue.

You can see the submission result in a few minutes. If ok appears, it means the submission is successful. If reject appears, xxx.

Util subcommands