Dear Safe 8th Street Supporters,

Thank you for your comments around traffic calming at the recent PNC meeting with Rebecca Kaplan. It's clear that neighbors all across Prescott are tired of the chronic reckless driving and a movement is growing to take action.

Yesterday I followed up with Kaplan and she sent me detailed information about a meeting coming up next Tuesday at 1pm. You can attend live or submit an electronic comment ahead of time, provided you submit it before the meeting.

These budget amendments contain two wins for Safe 8th Street:

Bottom line: If we keep pushing, we can get the inexpensive concrete diverters to happen! This will immediately calm traffic along sections of 8th.

How you can help: Submit your comment for the March 16th meeting or attend and give your comment live.

Meeting Details and Comment Instructions:

On Tuesday, March 16th at 1:00pm, the Special Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City Council will take up agenda item 18, Budget Amendments To Fiscal Year 2020-21 Mid-Cycle Amendments proposed by Councilmember Kaplan.

<aside> ⚠️ Link to Attend:

Submit an eComment: You can submit an eComment directly on the agenda item. Comments close on March 16th at 12:55pm (5 minutes before meeting start).


Here's a sample comment you can use:

Safe 8th Street neighbors are writing in to support Agenda item 18. Specifically:

We have a proposal to immediately implement a low-cost traffic calming solution on 8th Street between Mandela and Willow. This will offer a temporary, partial solution to the entire Safe 8th Street request for physical traffic calming between Market and Pine. We also eagerly await the decision on our CIP request for permanent traffic calming along the corridor in conjunction with the 8th Street paving project in late 2021.