Registration by Subgraph

The following is a stepwise guide to register by subgraph on DappLooker. We will be using the example of the Aave V2 Protocol subgraph.

Step 1

Click on the "My Project" option on top of the screen.


Step 2

This will take you to another screen where you must click on the downward arrow next to the "Connect Dapp" option. Choose "Connect Subgraph".


Step 3

Fill in all required details on the registration screen as shown below. The entry for “SUBGRAPH ENDPOINT” can be obtained by visiting **The Graph Explorer.** There after searching for Aave V2 Protocol and clicking on it, copy the api endpoint under Queries and paste it in the “SUBGRAPH ENDPOINT” input box.


Step 4

Once all of the above is done, click “Register.” The process of syncing is dependent on data volume. An email will be sent to you after data syncing is completed.

Note: When Subgraph is Already Indexed

If a Subgraph is already indexed, instead of repeating the entire registering process again, a message would appear saying “Subgraph is already indexed.” Clicking on “VIEW INDEXED DATA” will take you directly to the indexed subgraph data you are trying to register.

Already indexed subgraphs cannot be deleted. Send an email to support if they need to be deleted.

When Subgraph is already indexed

When Subgraph is already indexed