Welcome the the Sky Clad Coven Style Guide Notion Template!

Built with all the Coven values in mind, this guide was created as the starting point for our Collective Beltane Ritual. This Beltane season we looked at personal style systems, and the idea of honing our personal style as a self devotional act for Beltane, leaning into self expression and creativity.

This Self-Discovery ritual also provides a laser focused approach to shopping for style items, new or second hand - coming to shopping with colors, textures, and silhouettes in mind makes it that much harder to find yourself on the other side of an impulse purchase. This helps us hold our Zero Waste values and develop our personal style!

I use this template mostly as a brain soother. Sometimes by brain wants to buy something so bad but I don’t have the money or need - loading items into the Style Wishlist database can often scratch that itch until the feeling passes. I also love that, since I’m on a budget, I can sort and filter and search for exactly what I need, instead of googling “black tank top” for the 147th time. The ability to create order for my autism, in moments when my ADHD would normally be making a mess for future Lindsey, feels like a major win :)

How to Use

Take or leave as much as you like! Do what’s best for you right now :)

All you have to do is pop in your own info! No need to get professionally color types or kibbe typed, unless you want to! I was able to use my pattern recognition to think about my past style and what clothes lasted the longest or I loved the most and what was common about the clothes that I thought I liked, but then never ended up wearing - ie. If a color was too bright, even if I loved to look at the color, it would feel like a costume on me - this helped me understand that my color season was probably one with more muted tones.

To link your own Pinterest boards where mine are, simply copy the link from the board and paste in Notion, then select Embed link.

To add a column, if you want to utilize another category of inspiration, just drag any empty line or text to the right most edge and wait for it to indicate that you’re adding another space to that line. Do the same for the Pinterest boards! Or, replace whatever visual inspiration makes sense for you!

The database is built to be used as a wishlist, but also as a record of how these clothes faired once you own them - take notes about fit, how they wash, and whether you would buy them again - I know I’ve purchased clothes I don’t like twice because I forgot if I had given them a shot yet.

Now it’s yours to fill up and customize to exactly what works for your brain and life :)

Soft Summer (color season)

Soft + Muted Cool tones - Mermaidcore

Black for Balletcore + Witchcore

Taurus (I made this up)

Natural fibers, luxurious feel - Velvet, Silk, Linen

Sheer, thin fabrics or heavy, structured fabrics

Embroidery, beading, pearlesent shine

Romantic (kibbe type)

Wrap shapes, defined waist, cropped tops and high waisted bottoms, flared pants, skirted pants, plunge necklines, wide open necklines


Diffused light colors, shimmer

Ballet style dark colors, clean lines





Style Wishlist (template)