Circle Leader: [[email protected]](<>) / Respresentant: [[email protected]](<>)


Making the community function: smooth, effective and inclusive.


Design and execute the decision making process. And make sure it’s consented between all members. Safe guard non-violent communication in meetings and facilitation to construct clear proposals. New members inclusion (according to our Statutes) as well as partners and external collaborations. Document and open the decision making process. Be responsible for Meetings structure, and documentation. HR.


Space Barcelona



Actions & Processes:

Decision making process

We practice consent decision-making. Based on the art of Sociocracy. Which main characteristics is that we do not vote by majority but instead by consent. Voting (majority vote) and consent differ in that in consent decision-making, the majority cannot outvote the minority. A group will strive to integrate each objection until all members consent. Consent is to not have an objection to a proposal. You are welcome to join our telegram group regarding Sociocracy! Or check the Governance section of this Playbook.

Non-violent communication

The base value of our communication and facilitation for decision making meetings. Find info about NVC


Decisions are based and shaped through proposals.

If you want to submit a proposal, you can click here: submission form.

Partners and external collaborations