Storytelling is an essential part of our lives. A good story is what compels us to take a leap into a new area and reinvigorates us. It is also how people begin to process…and ideally solve…problems.

So, it makes a lot of sense that the stories that have begun to emerge in Web3 — an industry built around solving the persisting problems and innovating at warp speed — are extremely strong.

What is storytelling?

As mentioned, storytelling can be a means of activating people. It can also be how you bring people together, and build community. And that is because it is essentially building a narrative — and more importantly, sharing that narrative.

It has a very rich and, well, storied history, but continues to be a primary method for communicating, especially when you want to activate your audience. With communities

Why is storytelling fundamental in Web3?

As much as Web3 is a set of technologies, it is also a movement. To be completely honest, we could stick with Web2…it functions. The issue is it functions more for some than others…namely the largest companies and data collectors, not so much for individual users.

By telling a story of a different web — a web that also allows users to set their own privacy preferences, own their data, and interact directly with other users, by passing expensive intermediaries — we can begin to showcase why this technology is necessary…and why it's worth the effort to move to using it.

But, just because you might be a dev, don't think this gets you out of the story. The programs that you build also tell a story, starting with the architecture, and carrying through to how the program runs. In many ways, devs bring the story that founders and marketers build to life. Ideally, this reality lines up with the stories that draw people here.

<aside> 💡 Want to learn more about some of the driving Web3 narratives? Join our Discord to get access to community-only content!


Storytelling as a Collective

Stories at the scale of Web3 are massive, collective undertakings. They start with a vision, a set of narratives, and undergo many different iterations. Some of them may never be brought to fruition, some may undergo so many edits that they emerge a new story, and others may miraculously be brought to reality.

But, the thing that sets Web3 storytelling apart, is that it invites everyone in, to help set, create, and bring to life these stories. And, when you have this understanding, it becomes clear why storytelling is so central to Web3.

It is not just about telling people what will happen. It's about inviting them to be a part of setting what will happen and making that a reality.

<aside> 💡 Have your own story to tell, or want to bring together a group to build it? Join our Discord to talk now, or contribute directly to the Third Academy Library!
