Ways to creating a store

Verge provides 2 ways to create a store.

  1. Declare a class that conforms with StoreComponentType - It’s a protocol that indicates the class wraps a store inside and behaves like a store.
  2. Subclassing from Store - a most basic way, but we need to define State and Activity outside

Now, we recommend using No.1 in order to manage the source code with better portability.

Declare a class that conforms with StoreComponentType

final class MyStore: StoreComponentType {

  struct State: StateType {
    var count: Int = 0

  /// This means wrapping store inside. (Probably it should be renamed as like `innerStore` or `wrappedStore`)
  /// `DefaultStore` is a typealias that declared by `StoreComponentType`.
  /// You can use any class that inherited from `Store` for your use-cases.
  let store: DefaultStore

  init() {

    self.store = .init(initialState: .init())



Add a Mutation

extension MyStore {

  func increment() {
    commit {
      $0.count += 0


Commit the mutation

let store = MyStore()

Subclassing from Store

struct State: StateType {
  var count: Int = 0

enum Activity {
  case happen

final class MyStore: Store<State, Never> {

  init() {
      initialState: .init(),
      logger: DefaultStoreLogger.shared


Add a Mutation

extension MyStore {

  func increment() {
    commit {
      $0.count += 0


Commit the mutation

let store = MyStore()