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<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Developing a functional product concept (MVP)


So far, you have developed a prototype from your idea, verified it through direct target customer feedback and then elaborated it with the Jobs to be Done methodology. Now you have a functional product concept.

Now we will verify the developed MVP with your target group and then develop a business model.

<aside> 🚨 Important! This step is the foundation of your success later.

If you don't work carefully and conscientiously now, you will certainly regret it later on and your whole idea may fail!


Your MVP in one sentence

So far, you have developed a prototype from your idea, verified it through direct target customer feedback and then elaborated it with the Jobs to be Done methodology. Now you have a functional product concept. Now we will verify the developed MVP with your target group and then develop a business model.


For target customer X, who has problem Y, my product delivers A, solution B, with value proposition C and outcome D for customer

Short version MVP

I help ____________ (target customer) to solve ____________ (problem) in which I ____________ (solution).