The number and activity of free radicals in the skin's cells increases when we are exposed to UV radiation from the sun, but other substances (primarily pollutants and environmental Skyward FBISD toxins) also cause an increased production of radicals. If enough antioxidants are present, the radicals do not cause damage. When they are missing, free radicals damage the cellular membrane, collagen fibers and DNA strands within the cell. This molecular activity, according to the recent report, is responsible for ALL of the signs of aging. Now, we are beginning to see anti wrinkle skincare creams that supply the antioxidants necessary to prevent free radical damage in the skin and repair the damage that has already occurred. The best anti wrinkle products contain some of the most active antioxidants known to man. If you own a pet, more than likely you remember the dog food recall that first occurred last March. The food that was recalled was more than just a slight problem, but it was potentially deadly food, which definitely put fear in the hearts of pet owners all across the Nation. There were more than 16 deaths that were associated with this tainted food and thousands of worried pet owners were flooding veterinarians' offices fearing the worst about their pets. While it appears that the initial crisis is over, pet owners still find themselves on edge, so let's take a closer look at the latest news on the dog food recall. Brands that were Recalled If you have a dog of your own, then you'll definitely want to know more about which dog foods were recalled during this dog food crisis. There were a variety of different brands and types of foods that were recalled during this time and some may still not be safe for your dog, though you probably won't find them on the store shelves anyway. The following are a few of the different dog foods that were a part of the dog food recall. Its processed foods, unnatural meat hormones and "laboratory-derived sweetener chemistry" that suck nutrition and good health out of our bodies.

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English 001

How it works 🔎

Our formulas are based on a library called math.js, but are setup to work without coding skills.

Days Late

This formula calculates the number of days between the due date and submission. In case of excused tardiness, correct the submission date or delete the formula and turn this column into a simple number.

dateBetween(prop("Due"), prop("Submitted"), "days") * -1

Final Grade

This formula takes late policies into consideration. It also accounts for any tardiness that's been excused.

`prop("Grade") - prop("Days Late") * prop("Late Penalty") * 100 * toNumber(not prop("Excused"))`

Class Grade

This formula calculates points per assignment. The sum is your grade in the class.

`prop("Final Grade") * prop("Weighting")`

âš  Note: If you modify any of the table's properties, you'll need to adjust the above formulas accordingly.