We are a non-profit on a mission to become the global network for early-stage founders to exchange ideas and learn from each other.

Startup Jam Sessions are series of events that allow entrepreneurs to present their business ideas to a group of like-minded people and receive high-quality feedback on their ideas. Events take place in group sessions led by mentors โ€“ coming from a wide variety of backgrounds ranging from startups and venture capital to academia.

Some cool stats ๐Ÿงฎ

25+ Jam Sessions

75+ Mentors

1000+ Jammers

1500+ Applicants

Upcoming Jam Sessions ๐ŸŽช

Startup Jam Session 2021

Prepare your one-line pitch and - click here to apply!


We craft a safe space for idea exchanges between founders, business leaders both in and outside of Switzerland to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs.




Jam Sessions going online...

Jam Sessions going online...

...and entrepreneurs from around the world sharing ideas online!

...and entrepreneurs from around the world sharing ideas online!

More Impressions ๐Ÿ“ธ