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Episode Date: April 1, 2021

Jason Calacanis | TWiST | Twitter | LinkedIn

Co-Founder legal disputes, get something in writing to avoid them

We do a cap table review before people join our accelerator. Now that seems over the top, but this comes from a lot of scar tissue where we will see somebody gave half the company to a dev shop or a third of the company to their uncle, or whatever. We say, "we're giving you $100k to come to the accelerator, we're fine with you using up to half of that to settle this." If you want to use 10k or 15k or anything in-between, that's ok. But coming to the accelerator is contingent on the cap table being cleaned. - Jason

No vesting on shares, worst-case scenarios

No IP protection, getting targeted as you scale

Problems with super-voting shares