You can upload a Word file in Arena and set the file category to Template.

Template files in Arena need to be maintained and approved via the Arena web interface.


  1. Open Word and a blank document and open Doc Connect

  2. Press ”Search in Arena” button to start a search

  3. Go to the files category dropdown and select the “Template” category and press ”Find” 3️⃣

  4. Select a template file and press ”Open” button to start downloading

    1. File is downloaded using your default web browser (not Word) 4️⃣
    2. File will be automatically opened in a new Word window
  5. Save your file locally to get a more appropriate filename and to secure all your edits are saved.

  6. Work in the document to define your new document

  7. When ready save your document to Arena

    Saving a new Word file with Doc Connect

Web Browser Note

File categories note

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