You're here to get chatting and build stronger bonds. So, let me tell you how you actually do this!

🏃 Moving Around

Move with your mouse, arrow keys or trackpad. Use whichever option is easiest.  We recommend the arrow keys.

💬 Starting a Conversation

Walk up to others to start a conversation and walk away to end it. Just like real life!

🎦 Private Meetings

If you want to talk to someone but not be bound by distance or want to make sure that no one can interrupt your meeting - enter a private meeting.

  1. Click on their avatar and choose “Invite to Meeting”. Once they accept, the blue circles around you and the blue lock indicate that you are in a private meeting.
  2. To leave or end the meeting, click on the lock icon on the bottom right panel, and then click “Leave Meeting”.

You can be in a private meeting with more than one person as well.

What's Next?

Audio and Video Set Up

Finding Your Friends

Inviting Guests