Sign up with an email address I use often~

Step 1. If you enter your email address on the sign-up screen and click the Sign up with email button, a verification email will be sent to the entered email!

Step 2. If you click the Verify email button in the verification email, the membership registration process continues.

Step 3. Please agree to the privacy policy and terms of use for service use.

Step 4. Enter the user name and password to be used in the service and click the Create account button ! 👏

❗️ The user name can be up to 50 characters long and contain only one space. BUT, no spaces before or after are allowed. 🙅‍♀️

❗️ Password can be created by combining 3 or more of 'upper/lower case, numbers, special characters' between 8-50 characters (no spaces).

Log in with e-mail, it's easy!

After entering your email and password on the log-in screen, click the Log in with email button to start marimba!

💡If you have signed up with a gmail account, you can also log in with Log in with Google!

Forgot password?!

Oops 🙀 You forgot your password?! Don't worry ^^

If you click Forgot password at the bottom of the log-in screen, a'reset password' link will be sent to the registered mail account. You can safely set a new password through this link! 👩‍✈️