75 minute read

We’ve collected all the basics about our favorite programs in this chapter so that you can try them on our own. If you’re ready to start Assembling, this is the section for you!

We would strongly recommend that you read ****How to Assemble before diving in here, but we can't tell you what to do!

Your programs are going to be different than ours, because your context is different. That’s good! This is our remix, and we’re offering it to you to remix it yourself using your own situation and knowledge.

Also, you're not gonna get it right the first time. You're learning from our mistakes by reading this playbook, but prepare to learn from your own failures, too!

<aside> 🧠 Please Note: You're not alone! If you want help, please get in touch. We'd love to talk.


Start exploring a program by clicking on a card

When you're done: Check out the References to find tools and templates.

Or, return to the table of contents Some Assembly Required to choose your own adventure.