Stake Your BLD | Governance | Guides | Events | Tokenomics | FAQ

Welcome to the 45,000+ new BLD holders! Throughout the month of April, this page will provide you with guides on how to stake/delegate your BLD tokens, keeping your assets safe, voting in governance, and best-practices for evaluating staking service providers. We’re also hosting Twitter Space AMAs and fireside chats with the validators and projects supporting the Agoric ecosystem. It’s staking time!

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  1. Staking described Staking is the process of committing your BLD tokens to running a validator, thus further decentralizing the network. Validators participate in consensus and commit new blocks to the chain. In exchange for their work, they receive revenue to support their services, often referred to as ‘Staking Rewards’.

** Please note that the staking rewards are not enabled yet. See FAQ below.* 2. Staking Rewards Validators in the voting set earn rewards for running and securing the chain. BLD holders can delegate their stake to the voting validator set in order to receive staking rewards, where validators charge a commission for this service between 3-10%. During the bootstrapping phase, rewards take the form of both new issuance of BLD as well as a share of fees in IST generated by the protocol. 3. Decentralize & Secure Network Validators are responsible for processing transactions on the Agoric chain and are therefore critical infrastructure which must be censorship resistant. A robust crypto network requires a diverse set of validators operating independently and in different physical jurisdictions. 4. Vote on Governance Proposals BLD holders that have staked or delegated their stake to a validator can vote in governance proposals, which can impact changes to the chain, software releases and more.

How to stake your BLD

Since you already have a secure crypto wallet and Agoric address, all you need to do to is follow the instructions below to stake and delegate your BLD from your Keplr wallet. (Note: The guide uses ATOM tokens as an example, but Kelpr supports BLD tokens. Please update the network Cosmos to Agoric Network in order to see BLD tokens.)

🔗  How to stake and delegate your tokens

How to vote on governance proposals

There are multiple ways to take part in Agoric governance by voting and/or creating proposals. Below are the two easiest ways to begin.


The Keplr wallet provides a direct path to voting on governance proposals for the Agoric chain. If you already have the Keplr wallet, you’re 50% of the way there!

🔗  Vote in governance with Keplr


On top of providing a platform to vote on governance proposals, Commonwealth also offers a forum where you can create discussion threads for topics you’d like to share with the rest of the community. The guide below will get you started in minutes.

🔗  Vote in governance with commonwealth

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