This workflow allows you to create a quick playlist launcher via a publicly hosted CSV file, for example with Google Sheets.


Workflow File

D&D Playlists.alfredworkflow

Example Database

D&D Playlists Example

How to use

  1. Copy the Google Sheets file to your own Drive
  2. Change the data to accommodate your playlists (see below)
  3. Get the CSV file link via File > Publish to the web
  4. In the workflow window on Alfred, set the csv variable to the URL of your CSV file (the variables window is accessed via the [x] icon in top right)
  5. Set a hotkey
  6. Done 👍


If you encounter any issues, add a Debug block to the yellow Script Filter and open the debug window, then run the workflow. Then send an email to [email protected] with the debug log and a link to your Google Sheets file, and I'll be happy to take a look.


The scene property of this workflow allows you to play a track at random from any given playlist, then either return to the previously playing playlist ("Continue Scene"), or bring up the playlist selector again to select something new ("Start New Scene"). This is useful if you'd like to only play one track.

If the scene flag is set to "enabled", when the playlist is highlighted you can select the behaviour for when your track ends: either hold Alt to "Continue Scene", or hold Cmd to "Start New Scene".

Note: The scene property does not work on playlists with local files.