Why Join

The goal of these sessions is to take a bit of time to sit back, breathe out, check in with ourselves, and talk to others about what's taking up our headspace. All Spill group sessions are guided, meaning the facilitator — a Spill therapist — will be there to guide the conversation, manage any feelings that come up, and (as therapists are fond of saying) 'hold the space'.


These sessions are run by a UK-qualified Spill therapist.


The sessions will be run on Google Meet, you'll get the link once you book. Please make sure you have a good internet connection before joining the session.


Think of this session like Vegas: what happens in the session, stays in the session. We'll ask you to introduce yourself, but we'll keep it to first names only. The session will be camera on, as this helps everyone feel a bit more relaxed and connected, so please don't sign up to these sessions if you feel like you would be uncomfortable with that. We ask that you keep your camera on so that others in the session don't feel watched by people they can't see. Finally, please make sure you are in a private and safe location, where you can't be overheard or interrupted. Be especially mindful of this if you're at work and looking to discuss work-related things, such as people-management issues.


The point of these sessions is to be a bit vulnerable with each other. So it's important that all involved enter the session with the intention of being kind, caring, and respectful.


We don't have a great deal of time in these sessions, so the aim is to start on time. We start promptly at 3min past. If you arrive later than this, the facilitator may choose to not let you into the session.

Anything to Prepare?

It's best to work with whatever is actually taking up headspace for you right now, so do think about what has emotional salience for you in this moment. This is a question to answer with both your mind and with your body — what are you carrying on your shoulders, what's making your chest tight? Other than that, just bring yourself and an open mind. These sessions go best when we are spontaneous and present with ourselves in the moment.


Please be aware that you are joining this session voluntarily and should not do so if you feel like you wouldn't be able to handle it emotionally. While the facilitator will manage the group dynamics, we cannot guarantee that the things said in the conversation won't trigger you or make you feel challenged. The point of the session is to be vulnerable and being vulnerable often involves going outside our comfort zone. Please join at your own discretion.


Finally, this is not a therapy session. Please don't bring anything to the group that you don't feel comfortable sharing with others or anything that is still so emotionally raw for you that mentioning it would cause you emotional distress, or a 'vulnerability hangover'. Be especially mindful of this, if you find yourself in a session with other people you know or work with. You are in charge of setting your own boundaries. While you will be invited to share your thoughts and feelings, nobody will force you to go further than you wish.