Q: The rane in spain falls mainly on the flane
A: Do you mean "the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain?"

Q: I wint to the store yessterday and bought a buuck
A: Did you mean to say "I went to the store yesterday and bought a book?"
Poor English: Please provide me with a short brief of the design you’re looking for and that’d be nice if you could share some examples or project you did before.
Corrected English: Please provide me with a short brief of the design you’re looking for and some examples or previous projects you’ve done would be helpful.

Poor English: If I’m stressed out about something, I tend to have problem to fall asleep.
Corrected English: If I’m stressed out about something, I tend to have a problem falling asleep.

Poor English: There is plenty of fun things to do in the summer when your able to go outside.
Corrected English: There are plenty of fun things to do in the summer when you are able to go outside.

Poor English: She no went to the market.
Corrected English: She didn't go to the market.
Take a sentence and capitalize it using the type specified.

Title Case = All words are capitalized, except non-initial articles like "a, the, and", etc.

Lower Case  = All letters in all words are lowercase

Sentence Case = Capitalization just like a standard English sentence, e.g. "The 
damn has broken."

Meme Case = Every other letter is randomly capitalized, except the first letter 
e.g. "wHeRe dO yOu tHiNk yOuRE gOIng?"


Type: Sentence Case
Sentence: The dog went to the market to buy an onion.
Result: The dog went to the market to buy an onion.

Type: Title Case
Sentence: The dog went to the market to buy an onion.
Result: The Dog Went to the Market to Buy an Onion.

Type: Lower Case
Sentence: The dog went to the market to buy an onion.
Result: the dog went to the market to buy an onion.

Type: Meme Case
Sentence: The dog went to the market to buy an onion.
Result: tHe dOG wEnT tO tHe mARKeT tO bUY aN oNIon.


Type: Lower Case
Sentence: Country roads, take me home.
Result: country roads, take me home.

Type: Title Case
Sentence: once upon a time, a porcupine dreamed of becoming a pirate. 
Result: Once Upon a Time, a Porcupine Dreamed of Becoming a Pirate.

Type: Meme Case
Sentence: Squidward, I used your clarinet to unclog my toilet.
Result: sQuIdWaRd, I uSeD yOuR cLaRinEt tO uNcLoG mY tOiLeT.

Type:Sentence Case
Sentence: i'm on fire today, i feel great.
Result: I'm on fire today, I feel great.