Welcome to Spacefold!

Spacefold is a demo UI built by the Connext team that showcases using state channels to bridge between different chains. We originally built the demo for the Reddit Scalability Bakeoff, but have since been using it as a testbed for our new drop-in crosschain transfer component.

The demo is ⚠️ actively under construction⚠️. Please bear with us while we work on improving it!

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Goerli ETH
  2. Getting Testnet Tokens
  3. Using the Demo
  4. More Resources

In this guide, we'll walk through using Spacefold to send some testnet tokens from Goerli (Ethereum testnet) to Mumbai (Matic testnet)

1. Getting Goerli ETH

To use the demo, we'll first need to get some Goerli ETH.

You can get Goerli ETH through one of the many authenticated faucets. Try this one.


To send yourself ETH via the faucet, you'll first need to post an address you control on twitter or facebook. For instance:


Then, copy the link of that tweet or facebook status update and paste it into the authenticated faucet input. The faucet will limit how much ETH you can get based on how long you want to lock up your account for. We recommend choosing the 14 ETH/day option so you can get more ETH again in 24 hours if you need it!


After waiting a little while, the ETH should appear in your wallet. Make sure to check that you're connected to the Goerli Ethereum network, and not to mainnet!
