
The following fields were to be included in the description in the format <Full Name>: <value>

const shipwreckFieldFullNames = {
            SHIPTYPEDE: 'Ship type',
            RIGDESC: 'Rig description',
            HULLDESC: 'Hull description',
            TONNAGEA: 'Vessel tonnage',
            TONNAGEADE: 'Tonnage measurement',
            COUNTRY: 'Country of construction',
            LENGTH: 'Vessel length',
            BUILDDATE: 'Build date',
            PORTBUILT: 'Port originally built in',
            LOSSDATE: 'Date of the ship loss',
            LOSSLOCATI: 'Location originally wrecked',
            LOSSCAUSE: 'Cause of vessel loss',
            ISFOUND: 'Vessl found',
            ISINSPECTE: 'Vessel inspected',
            ISPROTECTE: 'Protected',
            JURISDICTI: 'Jurisdiction',
            PUBLIC_ACC: 'Level of public access',

The following fields were to be included in the checkboxes (with ticks) if their value was 'Y'

const checkboxWhitelistKeys = ['ISFOUND', 'ISINSPECTE', 'ISPROTECTE'];


Untitled Database