Unique Value Proposition

using the blockchain proof of ownership


Full ownership copyright →

Majority from sales (90%~60%) →

10% on all resell →


Sell eBooks in Secondary Market

Lendable copies to friends

Majority from resell (~80%)

Value Proposition


Retain full creative control Get active promote to kickstart

Publishing in AR/VR format


Alternative ways to access books (watch ads or purchase)

AI Curated books recommendation Read on the go

Frame 13.png

<aside> 💡 Sample page a user: where they know which edition they have, and from here, they can resell on secondary market

For how we'll make money, please refer to Business Model


Use Cases

What is blockchain and NFT?

It's a digital chain where all blocks contain the same information which is the base for our proof of ownership (in this case is NFT) which note who write the book and who own which copies.

By Forbes

“An NFT is simply a record of who owns a unique piece of digital content. That content can be anything from art, music, graphics, tweets, memes, games — you name it. If it’s digital and it was created, it can be an NFT. It’s ‘non-fungible” because it can’t be readily exchanged for a similar good at a similar price.”

Full Presentation