First off, thanks for participating in the Sofa beta. I really appreciate your help in finding bugs and making improvements before launching to the broader public.

About the Beta

Before releasing Sofa 3.0, I’ll be conducting a public beta. This means that anyone who would like to participate is welcome. I’m hoping to run the beta for a few weeks and then release it after fixing bugs and receiving feedback.

The only requirement is that you have an iPhone or iPad running at least iOS 14.

How you can help

<aside> 🚨 Warning About Beta Software While I take every precaution, beta software is buggy and will have unknown issues. I recommend backing up your data before downloading the beta.

Backup your Data


ℹ️ About 3.0

Sofa 3.0 is the first major new version of Sofa since 2.0 launched in 2017. The app has evolved dramatically in that time. 3.0 is a fresh start for Sofa's next chapter.

Super Sofa

This will be an optional subscription for a "pro" version of Sofa. Nothing will be removed from how you experience the app today. Everything in the pro bundle will be net-new. If you don't want to pay, no worries, you can continue using the app as you do today. You won't be able to use some of the newer features.

Super Features

Sticky Notes Simple notes for items in your lists.