All analytics presented here consider the date range from May 15th to July 18th, 2023.

BanklessDAO Twitter

Tweets: 159 tweets with a 33.6% increase. Impressions: 479.8K impressions with a 3.2% increase. Profile Visits: 31.8K profile visits in total with an increase of 53.8%. Mentions: 46 mentions with a 47.1% increase in total. Followers: 61.1k followers with a decrease of 119 followers Engagement Rate: 3.2% increase Link Clicks: 1.5K retweets without comment: 1.2K Likes: 3.8K Replies: 608

BanklessDAO Instagram

Instagram Analytics Report

Accounts reached: an increase of 5.45%

Comments: For post interactions 38 and for Reels interactions 18

Likes: For post interactions (274), and for Reels interactions (220).

Shares: For post interactions 3 and for Reels interactions 2

No of followers: 5,050

Total follower count: -68

Follower growth rate: -0.101%

Side note the Instagram page has been linked with with 556 followers in two weeks.

BanklessDAO LinkedIn

Visitors Highlights

Visitor demographics based on tier 10 location: