Société à Mission (SAM) is a legal status in which a company states and commits to protect its mission and social environmental objectives alongside its core activities.

Creating a structure that aligns business growth to positive social and environmental impacts. A model in expansion in Europe and worldwide.

What makes a company a SAM ?

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Step 1. Protecting its Mission and Objectives on its Status

****Completed 2022

****Both our mission and its objectives have become part of our bylaws, meaning any current or future administration of Luko must be aligned with it.It also means that our current investors have approved and agree with the pursuit of our mission. Likewise, future investors will be aware and shall agree with it to join.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Step 2. Having a Mission|Impact advisory Committee >

*Under construction

We are still in the making of our Impact Committee, which shall start operating by the end of 2022. This Committee will function as an advisory board to our leadership, counting with external experts and employees. Their main function will be to monitor and advise our progress towards achieving our Mission and its Objectives, through a space where the different stakeholders have a voice.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Step 3. Reporting on the performance of its Objectives >

1st report by the committee 2023

****Once a year, with the review and approval of our Impact Committee, we will report to the public on how effectively we are executing our mission.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Step 4. Being audited by a third party every 2 years > > 1st audit 2024

****A specialized Third Party accredited by COFRAC will carry out a bi-annual audit to confirm if Luko is making progress toward its objectives and whether the structures required by the law Pacte for 2019 that governs the Société à Mission are in place.


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