So this is your first encounter with my blog and its very first post. You must be asking "Why would anyone want to do this?". Lemme explain.

It all started with a YouTube binge; a usual occurrence these days because of the boring quarantine and what I discovered was truly a binge-worthy channel—Ali Abdaal. There I was for hours and hours pretending to be productive with my life, as I scoured the channel looking for hidden gems of life advice. This eventually led me to his podcast "Not Overthinking", which is basically an hour and 30 minutes of two brothers over-analyzing literally anything. Sometimes they might have big boring words in their titles like "A Discussion of Transactional Analysis" but boy, has that been my favorite one so far. Okay, lemme get back on topic. Listen to "How To Convince Your Friend To Start A Blog". For the lazy ones out there, here's a basic quote to summarize everything.

<aside> 💡 If you don't have a presence on the internet, you are essentially limiting your entire life to the physical space around you. You're limiting the people you interact with…the sort of ideas that you put out there and the ideas that you exposed to—Taimur Abdaal


So now I'm convinced, and maybe you are too! How do I start? Two methods: a) make a WordPress site and b) code it. I chose the far more painful route-option b), well just because I recently finished Harvard's CS50 course and decided to put my knowledge into good use. And now we're here.

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