<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be9718cf-14ec-446f-8548-c8c5474240c7/icons_questions.svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/be9718cf-14ec-446f-8548-c8c5474240c7/icons_questions.svg" width="40px" /> The Smart Planner **shows your most important tasks automaticallytasks you have to do today and tasks you plan for tomorrow. There are also views of This Week, Month Calendar, and All Tasks on the page for easy task management.

If you're anything like myself, you'll know that planning your entire week in advance is futile (which this planner avoids). The purpose of this planner is to always do the task at the top of your Today Task list since it will either be overdue or the highest priority.


Views / Databases


Your tasks scheduled for today.

It also shows you any overdue tasks.


Your tasks scheduled for tomorrow—nothing more, nothing less.

Tasks you create in Tomorrow will automatically be scheduled for the next day.

This Week

Your tasks scheduled for this calendar week.


Add tasks here that you aren't ready to schedule yet.

Pressing the "+ Add a task to schedule later" button will simply create a "To-do" Block that you can type the name of your task into. Once you're ready to schedule, you can drop these To-do Blocks directly into your Month Calendar and the date will be assigned to that task.

Month Calendar

This is a month overview of your schedule.

You can drag and drop tasks from date to date in the calendar, allowing for easy scheduling