pragma solidity ^0.8.0; 
// This is a simple contract that allows two parties to make a deal. 
// It requires both parties to agree to the terms of the deal and 
// provides a way to execute the deal when the terms are met. 
contract DealMaker { 
// Declare two address variables to store the user addresses. address user1; address user2; 
// Declare a boolean variable to store the status of the deal. bool dealStatus; 
// The constructor is called when the contract is deployed.
 constructor(address _user1, address _user2) public {
 // Set the user addresses to the values passed in. user1 = _user1; user2 = _user2; 
// Set the initial deal status to false. dealStatus = false; } 
// This function allows user1 to agree to the deal. 
function agree() public { // Only allow user1 to call this function. 
require(msg.sender == user1, "Only user1 can agree to the deal."); 
// Set the deal status to true. dealStatus = true; } 
// This function allows user2 to agree to the deal. 
function agree() public { // Only allow user2 to call this function.
 require(msg.sender == user2, "Only user2 can agree to the deal."); 
// Set the deal status to true. dealStatus = true; } 
// This is the function that gets executed when the terms are met.
 function executeDeal() public { // Make sure that both parties have agreed to the deal. 
require(dealStatus == true, "Both parties must agree to the deal before it can be executed."); 
// Add some code here to execute the terms of the deal. } }