Greetings Spaceship Earth,

My name is Tony and I am the assistant director of the interplanetary disaster resilience unit. We are in charge of making sure that the spaceship you all call "Earth" will be able to avert From the interplanetary lens all planets exist as spaceships travelling through time and space. Oftentimes such spaceships are taken up by diverse entities of lifeforms, all of which become essential members of the crew. Through chaos, discoveries and imaginations that the passage of time provides the crew maintains the spaceship. However there have been cases when certain spaceships deviated from the chaos, building nothing but order that eventually leads to death. Our mission is to stop these occurrences from happening, to enable the perpetual subsistence of all spaceships in our galaxy.

However our readings of your spaceship indicate that you all are at the precipice of a trophic cascade of disasters. While disasters occur in all spaceships, Earth in particular is experiencing dangerous levels of disaster bordering on the destruction of the spaceship itself. At this point in time you may be experiencing social unrest, sweeping ecological changes, and extreme changes in climate. However, fear not! Your spaceship is not the only spaceship to go through such hardship. And while many spaceships have fallen once they’ve reached the point of crisis you are in, there are some that have steered the ship into a prosperous direction! Hopefully your spaceship will be one of the more successful ones. To do this we will be training a very select few in ways to recover your spaceship from spinning out of control. Hooray!

Over the course of the last several months our unit has been on the ground on Earth, looking for candidates who are capable of joining our group and learning to avert planetary crises. While some planets require the training/reeducation of multiple species, we have found that on this spaceship Earth you, homo sapiens, are the ones with the biggest potential for change. So congratulations to you all! You have been selected as candidates. But now for the next 9 weeks you will go through a series of exercises to see if you have the right abilities, attitudes, and aptitude to become the ones that will avert your spaceship from total destruction. No big deal, right?

Who are we?

We are an interplanetary accumulation of dreams, faiths, possibilities, of the not yet expected and yet imagined. When disaster strikes we are there, to mourn, to heal and to restore. We believe that disasters come in many sizes and forms, oftentimes hidden in the shadows, behind the opaque systems. Also what we know of disasters are that they are mostly man-made, conjured through the logos of production, consumption, and attention that take for hostage the resources of the planet. We also know that disasters are multilayered and are asymmetrical forces affecting some more than other- sometimes steered by those with great intention to. These forces are the inevitable manifestations of life, the root that bares extinction, but also new life - and while surely such a dominant force is inevitable for the sake of our preservation of faith, hope, and optimism for humanity all disasters require resilience.


Understand past disasters, detect present disasters, subvert future disasters



Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus (Kr)

Reflection Questions:

Disaster Storytelling Loadout

Disaster Database