Everyone at Veri is incentivised to Act like an owner.

We all have to various degree skin in the game. All of us deeply care about our mission, some have even had their own challenges with their health which allows all of us sympathise with our customers. In every single interaction, go out your way to deliver the absolute best to our users.

“Scars signal skin in the game.” - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

As an owner you should constantly be challenging our ways of doing things, even they didn’t fall under your job description or your ‘sandbox’. Keep asking yourself, what could be done better? What’s the mission of the company and why? What are some of our pain points? What are we measuring, what are we not and why?

Verneri’s Story

Ulcerative colitis struck me out of the blue at 14 and left me with more questions than doctors could answer. My curiosity to get to the root of the condition was met with apathy at best, and hostility at worst.

The pharmaceutical approach landed me in the hospital with recurrent pancreatitis, and left me unable to eat solid foods, sometimes for weeks on end. Faced with a lifetime of drugs and life-altering surgery, learning about health became easy.

Turns out, what you eat actually matters. Changing what I ate saved my life.

The complete loss of my health, and the solitude of having to find my own answers, shaped me in ways I could only appreciate years later. It's now clear a burning passion to understand human health and a desire to help others avoid the pain of losing it have guided me ever since.


This is the genesis of Veri, to bring transparency to health, to allow anyone to understand the complexity of their body, and to empower everyone to live better.

Further readings

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder

Other values at Veri

Health is Wealth

Skin in the Game

Everyday is Day 1

People First

Growth Mindset
