In Human Systems classes, we focus on developing certain skills, all related to human values and social design. These aren't all the skills you need to redesign systems—we usually train people who are already expert designers in their domain, and teach them these values-related skills. We picked these skills, because we found they dramatically change the character of the designs people come up with, across many domains.

Games for Practicing...

Values Articulation

Social Analysis



Values Articulation

Social Analysis

Space Analysis an analytical lens for understanding why the dynamics within a social space or system might make it easier or harder for the people therein to live by their values. We cover three basic concepts — values, norms, structural features — as well as theories of how these are related and give rise to one another — the theory of the evolution of norms covers how structural features gives rise to norms, and the theory of hard steps covers how structural features undermine values directly, the theory of crowding out covers how norms might undermine or support values.

The goal is to develop an intuitive sense of how structural features affect people's ability to live by their values, so that you see values-related design issues as they come up in the design process.