We’ve developed a grid view that enables you to have multiple Shift View’s visible at any given time on your screen.

<aside> 💡 The grid view works best on screens with very high (4K) resolution and is useful for showing the status of the factory in more detail in a canteen, meeting room, or hallway.


In this example we have created a 2 row, 2 column grid view

In this example we have created a 2 row, 2 column grid view

To set up the grid that works for you, follow the steps below

The grid view is still in development phase and setting it up requires you to challenge yourself in writing a correct URL. If you run into issues or questions, you can always reach us at [email protected]

Otherwise follow the steps outlined here and you’ll have your grid set up in just a few minutes:

  1. Open app.evocon.com, log in and open Shift View.
  2. Cycle through the stations that you are interested in and take note of the station id parameter in the URL bar.
    1. For example in the case of this URL: https://app.evocon.com/#/shiftview/**1**/6029, 1 is the station id. (6029 is the shift id)
  3. Put together an URL with the correct station id-s
    1. The URL for grid view is https://app.evocon.com/#/split?titles=true&rows=2&cols=2&views=[[**"shiftview/**1**","shiftview/**2**"**]**,**[**"shiftview/**3**","shiftview/**4**"**]] and the functionality is controlled using the parameters below:
      1. titles=true parameter turns on the title bar for each section. Clicking on the title bar makes this section fill the whole view. titles=false hides the title bars.
      2. rows=x where x is the number that specifies how many rows are created
      3. cols=x where x is the number that specifies how many columns are created in each row
      4. views=[["shiftview/1","shiftview/2"],["shiftview/3","shiftview/4"]] specifies the paths to display in each section
        1. Each row info must be in brackets [ ]
        2. Row sets are separated by comma ,
        3. Station addresses must be inside double quotes “” and in “shiftview/stationId” format
        4. Once all rows are specified, then the full set must be inside [ ] brackets
      5. It is possible to force some view using shiftview/1**?view=<parameter>**
        1. mobile as <parameter> shows a view with minimal header and maximum hour bars.

<aside> ☝ The number of rows * cols and “shiftview/…” addresses must match and the stationId’s must be correct. If you see a black screen, you’ve probably made a mistake somewhere in the URL.


<aside> 💡 Note: It is possible to use “dashboard”, “factory-view/timeline” or “factory-view/realtime” as URLs.

