CHAPTER 1 : You don’t have to be genius

This chapter talks about that I don’t have to be a genius before starting anything new such as Personal Blog or YouTube channel or anything like that. I can learn and grow in the process and hence start from zero and don’t worry about how your videos look or how is your blog or your website, don’t focus on how can I make my website more attractive or how to make a video which has everything top notch from day one. Let it look like the worst website or worst video ever, post your content. As you form habit of uploading your content periodically, you can tweak one thing at a time and down the line, after a year or two it will be a good masterpiece.

“Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Creating your online presence is very important these days as companies can see what you offer before even reading your resume.

Join online communities who understands and support your work and more importantly your decision to start showing your work.

Be an Amateur. A student can teach more easily to a fellow student than a teacher because the fellow student has recently encountered the problem and hence he can guide other student much easier.

The best way to get started on the path to sharing your work is to think about what you want to learn, and make a commitment to learning it in front of others.

Chapter 2 : Think process not product

‘Document don’t create’

You might feel that your life is not worth sharing or documenting but you never know who need your guidance and hence sharing your life helps you grow and also help others who are struggling with what you have recently encountered.

Once a day, after you’ve done your day’s work, go back to your documentation and find one little piece of your process that you can share.

If you’re in the very early stages, share your influences and what’s inspiring you. If you’re in the middle of executing a project, write about your methods or share works in progress. If you’ve just completed a project, show the final product, share scraps from the cutting-room floor, or write about what you


How Documenting can help you? Even if you don’t share your journey, things you document can actually help you in long term as you will be able to observe what progress have you made so far. We often see no progress when we are going through thick and question about our success. There comes your Journal and vlogs come into play. You can go through your document and see what you made. If you share what you are doing on the internet, it has more chances that someone who needs a guidance can get help out of your Blog or Vlog.

Chapter 3 : Share something small every day/week

Overnight success is a myth. Dig into almost every overnight success story and you’ll find about a decade’s worth of hard work and perseverance. There is always a gradual progress of anything you do. James Clear beautifully describes this in his book ‘Atomic Habits’ as ‘The Plateau of Latent Potential’


Many of us either question ourselves or suffer from the most stress at the point where the things actually are going to happen. We just need to pass our time from the ‘Valley of Disappointment’ and we are done. We give-up just before the things start to form results and the dots start to join.