Capstone project

Capstone projects are solo projects at the end of the each of the Microverse Main Technical Curriculum sections. Building this project is very important for you because:

The biggest challenge in this particular project

In this project, you are going to build your own game! It is an exciting idea but it can be also a bit overwhelming. In the entire JS module at Microverse, you haven't been building any video games. There is a big chance that you also haven't built any video game EVER!

In this capstone, we want you to overcome any fears that could come while building something for your client for the first time. This kind of situation will be pretty common in your future job. Today we are going to ensure you - all the experience that you have with JavaScript is enough to tackle this project. You will also need to learn a lot while building this project but you are totally capable to do it! Please make sure that in your future job you trust your own skills and YOU are the person who ensures yourself that you can do it!

Main project requirements

We ask you to build a platform game such as the space shooter game (5 parts tutorial). You must design a simple but creative game, and implement it using Phaser. Therefore, you will have to spend some time designing the game before you program it.

<aside> šŸ’” You must not submit the result of the space shooter tutorial, but your own designed shooter game.


The requirements for your game are: