‘Putting the SSV token to work’

Shifu (v2) is Here!

SSV Testnet V2 is live, and we’ve named it SHIFU It comes with some of the most significant changes to the network to date! To support Shifu, we’ve released new features, designs, guides & documentation to help you get better acquainted with the future of DVT.

What’s New in v2

During the last eight months, the SSV Core Team has been working non-stop in the coding forges to enhance the protocol:


Get Started

Before you dive in, review Shifu’s release notes

SSV Testnet V2 is Here! Shifu Explained

Shifu SSV Testnet V2 Pre Launch (Short version)

General Resources


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/ec68d3bd-3e70-4f37-ab78-787db9dbad81/Bot-Illustration-Part2-PNG_2.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/ec68d3bd-3e70-4f37-ab78-787db9dbad81/Bot-Illustration-Part2-PNG_2.png" width="40px" /> Shifu (v2) App


<aside> 📕 Webapp Guides


<aside> 📃 Documentation


<aside> 🤖 GoerliETH BOT


<aside> 🧭 New Explorer


<aside> 💰 tSSV Faucet
