
Have your information available for reading / viewing somewhere accessible for everyone that might want to. Default to internally public share settings unless the information is sensitive/confidential.

Active Sharing

Big Stuff

If you have something that impacts a lot of people or workflows, make it a Team Update and announce in Slack #announcements channel.

Small Stuff

If the update is less impactful in nature or only relevant to a specific team/project:

  1. Announce it however you want. This can be in the team call, on Slack, in a meeting. Up to you, just be sure to communicate effectively.
  2. When you announce it, link to where it's documented (see also Culture of Documentation) If you find that you're sharing more than is documented, make sure to update the documentation or source material.

No Slide Decks!

Google Slides / Pitch / Keynote etc are the worst ways to present an internal update. Slideshows:

Instead, create a notion page or add your materials to an existing agenda. Cheaper, faster, easier to share.

Exceptions - External/Specialized Venues

The exception to this is when you present something in a venue that requires you to use a slideshow (vendors, partners, investors etc). Another exception is when you are sharing data that is current as to a point in time, but won't be updated consistently - such as an internal All Hands Meeting. In the second case, links to documentation that will be updated consistently should be provided.

Automated Sharing (WIP)

There are also automated ways to share information with others at Remote.

CC Group Gmail Archival for Transparency

Email Transparency makes it easier for others to follow important business conversations with external vendors, partners, etc. It ensures smoother handoff/monitoring if sender goes on PTO, allows anyone to search for relevant conversations happening elsewhere in email, and improves point-of-failure analysis when something breaks. We have set up a public archive scheme using gmail/google groups.

  1. "[email protected]" - for emails relevant to a specific team (TechOps will assign you to the correct group for your team.)
  2. "[email protected]" - for emails relevant to a specific project. Anyone can create a group and assign it an archive role.