<aside> 🏘️ The following is a description of an alternative internal economy we may adopt in order to facilitate shared contribution of skills without typical money. It will evolve as the community does.


Building a Sustainable Sharing Economy in Our Tiny House Community

Introduction: In our 21-household tiny house community, we are committed to creating a vibrant and interconnected sharing economy. We believe in the power of collaboration, resourcefulness, and mutual support to foster a sustainable and thriving community. Our sharing economy is based on the principles of sharing time, skills, resources, and labor credits to enhance the well-being and self-sufficiency of our community.

Key Principles of Our Sharing Economy:

  1. Labor Credits as a Common Currency:
  2. Collaborative Work and Self-Sufficiency:
  3. Resource Sharing:
  4. Care and Well-being:
  5. Shared Decision-Making:

How Our Sharing Economy Works:

  1. Labor Credits: Members accumulate labor credits by contributing their time and skills to various community projects and tasks. For each hour of work (or partial hour), members earn labor credits.
  2. Service Exchange: Members can use their accumulated labor credits to request services from other members. For example, if you need help with childcare, house repairs, or gardening, you can find a community member willing to provide these services in exchange for labor credits.
  3. Community Projects: We undertake various community projects, including construction, landscaping, and infrastructure development, using labor credits as compensation for members' contributions. This collaborative approach enables us to complete projects efficiently and cost-effectively.
  4. Resource Sharing: Members have access to a shared pool of resources, such as tools, equipment, and community gardens. These resources are available for members to use as needed, reducing the need for individual ownership and waste.
  5. Health and Well-being: We offer a range of healthcare services and wellness programs within the community. Members can access healthcare providers, therapists, and support groups to ensure their physical and mental well-being.
  6. Shared Decision-Making: The community conducts regular meetings to discuss the allocation of labor credits, resource sharing, and upcoming community projects. Decisions are made collectively, and the community operates with transparency and accountability.

By fostering a sharing economy built on these principles, we aim to create a close-knit, self-sustaining, and harmonious tiny house community where the well-being of all members is prioritized. Our commitment to collaboration, mutual support, and shared resources ensures that our community thrives in a spirit of unity and sustainability.