Studio Demo Video

See a live demo of many of the features demoed in this document.

See a live demo of many of the features demoed in this document.

Studio Features

Shade has an array of features oriented towards studio users, acting as a full drop-in asset management and search solution. This document provides more details for the features shown in the shade studio demo video.

Self Hosted & Offline

Shade can be run self hosted and entirely offline. Offline hosting includes access to all search features including the AI/ML models. Some features are not available offline such as:

We provide three ways to install the Shade engine on your local infrastructure. The first is a native single-instance installer, the second is a single Docker container, and the third is a full load balanced Kubernetes cluster. These differ primarily in scalability, portability, and setup time.

Native Installer

Running natively on some host machine

  1. In this case, one instance of the application and database run and use the local storage of the machine. This works well if you don’t expect continuous very high volume search traffic to the instance, such as many artists searching simultaneously
  2. This can be set up using our Shade Studio installer


Shade can be deployed as a single docker container. This allows deployments to be highly portable, however this can come with the downside that operating searches and indexing at scale can become slow. If this option becomes slow, a Kubernetes setup option is also provided.

Kubernetes Cluster

Running a load-balanced Kubernetes cluster

  1. Allows highly custom load balancing and scaling. This case is better for those who will be handling many continuous requests from many clients simultaneously.
  2. This solution also integrates well with cloud Kubernetes clusters such as GKE or EKS.