Starting with Floq is super easy and only takes 2 minutes. However, if you're stuck somewhere this should help.

To set up an account and create a workspace for your company just follow these steps:

1. Create your personal Floq account

<aside> 💡 If you setup a new workspace you are automatically set as a workspace administrator. This can be changed later on or other admins can be added too.


Account Setup

Account Setup

2. Set up the organization & workspace

During the first login you are required to setup the workspace for your organization.

Organization Setup

Organization Setup

Office Setup

Office Setup

3. Invite your team

Once your workspace is setup you have to invite your colleagues. This can happen in two ways:

<aside> 💡 The team can be managed by admins in the workspace settings. People can be set to inactive or access rights (admin vs. employee) can be changed.
