Before you jump to build a form, you will need to understand 2 concepts:

Imagine if you are a product owner at a SaaS startup (named XYZ), you create a workspace ‘XYZ’ and a project named ‘Product Management’, you can create survey forms in that project for idea validation, market fit-in, etc.

Imagine again if you are a math teacher at a high school, you can create a workspace with your school name, and a project named ‘Math’, you can create quiz forms in that project for final exams.

1. Create your first workspace

After creating a HeyForm account, you will need to create a new workspace because all projects are organized in the workspace.

The name field is required and the logo field is optional. If no logo is set, the system default will be the first text character of your workspace name.

Create a workspace in HeyForm

Create a workspace in HeyForm

2. Create your first project

After creating the workspace, you need to create a new project because all forms are organized in projects.

Create a project in HeyForm

Create a project in HeyForm

Once you are in, you can see all your projects listed in the left sidebar. You can click on the project name to view all the forms associated with it.


3. Create your first form

To get started, you need to give your form a title, which usually means your purpose of the form.