
Kubernetes supports 2 primary modes of finding a Service - environment variables and DNS.

Environment variables

When a Pod is run on a Node, the kubelet adds a set of environment variables for each active Service. It supports both Docker links compatible variables (see makeLinkVariables) and simpler {SVCNAME}_SERVICE_HOST and {SVCNAME}_SERVICE_PORT variables, where the Service name is upper-cased and dashes are converted to underscores.



CoreDNS: DNS and Service Discovery

If you have a Service called "my-service" in a Kubernetes Namespace called "my-ns", a DNS record for "" is created. Pods which exist in the "my-ns" Namespace should be able to find it by simply doing a name lookup for "my-service"Pods which exist in other **Namespaces**must qualify the name as "". The result of these name lookups is the cluster IP.

Kubernetes also supports DNS SRV (service) records for named ports. If the "" **Service**has a port named "http" with protocol TCP, you can do a DNS SRV query for "" to discover the port number for "http".
