<aside> 💡 This page documents the steps the server owner should follow if you want to invite Rockbot to your discord server.


1. Invite Discord Rockbot

Add the Rockbot to your Discord server for managing TGRs (token-granted roles) and send red envelope.

Discord Generated Url

https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=967720692575506484&permissions=8&scope=bot applications.commands


  1. Sign in to Discord.

  2. Click here to add the Rockbot to your own discord server.


  3. Select which server & Add Rockbot as the Admin role


  4. Rockbot will create one category that includes three channels:

  5. In general channel, you will see a Welcome Message like below.

2. Setup Roles

You can add roles to manage your members in discord. For example, you want to distribute some important information to those guys who are early supporters.

<aside> âš™ All commands you can use are here:



  1. Choose one token you want to combine with the role.
  2. Set min threshold and max threshold to get the role.
  3. One token can support multi roles distribution.

3. Enable Check Task

The background check task is controlled by the server owner.