package cpen221.mp1.sentimentanalysis;

public class SentimentAnalyzer {

     * @param filename
    public SentimentAnalyzer(String filename) {
        // TODO: Implement this constructor and write the spec
        // You may assume that the file is in the format
        // of the RateMyProfessor data with each line containing
        // a rating, a second column (gender or similar) that you
        // can ignore for this task, and the text of the review.
        // The file whose name is provided here is expected to
        // contain the **training data** with which you build
        // your prediction model.

     * @param reviewText
     * @return
    public float getPredictedRating(String reviewText) {
        // TODO: Implement this method for predicting
        // the rating given the text of a review using
        // the simple Bayesian approach outlined in the
        // MP statement. Also write the specification for
        // the method.
        return 0;
