<aside> ✨ Maxia Warehouse launched with Segment as our first official Connection, and it's the best way to connect your Segment data to our AI platform.


Segment Connection FAQ

  1. How does Maxia Warehouse connect to Segment?

    When you create a Maxia Warehouse for Segment, you'll receive an API key to configure the Maxia integration you will add to your Segment account. In just a few clicks, you're able to send your Segment data to Maxia.

    Segment Business Plan customers can also use the Replay feature to send their historic data to Maxia.

    Maxia also sends AI predictions back into Segment, so you can share those predictions with all your other integrations: Salesforce, Zendesk, Marketo, Google Ads, Drift etc.

  2. How do I create a Maxia Warehouse for Segment?

    1. Sign into app.maxia.ai

    2. In the Create New Warehouse card:

      1. Select Segment as your Analytics Tool

      2. Name your Maxia Warehouse

      3. Click "Create"

        Create New Warehouse Card in Maxia App

        Create New Warehouse Card in Maxia App

    3. If you haven't already, book a Calendly call to complete your onboarding and unlock your API key.

  3. What do Maxia's Segment predictions look like?

    Maxia Segment Predictions

  4. What data do you analyze from Segment?

    Maxia ingests identifytrackpagegroup, and alias events from the Segment Spec, and uses the data, including all event and user properties, to build AI models. Here’s how each of the Segment calls help build your AI model:


    Who is the user? What are all the properties that make users different? How are the properties changing?


    What is the user doing? How often are they doing it? What are all the actions the user could be doing? How are their actions changing?


    What web pages/app screens is the user viewing? How often are they viewing it?


    What accounts/organizations/groups does the user belong to? Do your AI models need to make predictions at the group level instead of user level?


    What was the user’s past identity?