Deniz - Membership

Team Initiatives

Our thinking was… During the intermission right before Season 3, we came together with the community to determine the pain points from previous seasons and things to be done in the next season which aligns with our Season 3 objectives. We picked 4-5 initiatives that the teams can work on.

But in reality…

There were too many initiatives to start with. New members had difficulties in picking and understanding what the initiatives are and how they can contribute. Having a clearer purpose and plan for an initiative worked better as people understood what the phases of the initiative as, but the ones that relied on emergent contribution and thinking failed.

Next time…

Start with 1-2 initiatives per team and add extra initiatives if 2-3 contributor suggests it. Also, make time for planning how the initiative will unfold.

Weekly Roundups

Our thinking was… We should send a weekly newsletter at the beginning of the week which updates the members on what happened in the previous week and what will happen during the week.

But in reality…

The Roundups lack information on what the DAO and the teams are up to. The newsletter became a space to learn more about the social, fun, and good-to-know aspects of the community but not what the teams are up to in general.

Next time…

Make it the team leader's responsibility to update the whole community on what their teams are up to in the most simplest way.

Town Halls

Our thinking was… A monthly Town Hall is the best event to share updates with the community. The team can prepare a slide deck, someone from the community can take notes and we can share these with a recording so these artifacts can become a source of information for keeping up with the community.

But in reality…

The one-hour sessions becomes an information overload and members cannot meet or mingle with each other. The event is one to many and there is no fun or interaction. No one reads the deck shared afterward and listen to the recordings.

Next time…