With over 70,000 pieces of learning content in the GO1 library - it's important to build a content search and discovery process that will enable end-users to find the content they need as quickly and as easily as possible.

To assist users in discovering the most relevant content, we recommend implementing our content filters, using the learning-objects API endpoint. In this document, we'll introduce each of our filters, and provide implementation instructions for you to follow.

This page will cover the following filters:

<aside> 💡 See search and display GO1 content to learn more about the learning objects endpoint.


Sort-by filter


The sort filter allows users to specify the order in which the set of content they are searching for will be returned. For example, using the sort filter, you are able to determine whether the content returned is ordered by the most popular, the most relevant or in alphabetical order.

Setting the correct sort option, and allowing users to select their own sorting preference is essential for providing users with the best content search and discovery process.

To apply this filter, the sort query parameter should be passed when making a GET request to the /v2/learning-objects API endpoint.

There are 4 primary sort options available: