General information

Credit scorecards are a very popular approach to the quantitative representation of the probability that clients will be prone to demonstrate some defined behavior, like, for instance, loan default, bankruptcy, or payment without delinquency. Clients are described by a set of attributes that are characterized with the specific partial scores that represent the contribution of the attributes to the final score - the higher score the more tendency to demonstrate the target behavior. The partial scores can be learned from the historical data that connect the clients' features with the target behavior and the commonly used technique, in this case, is Logistics regression. The coefficients of the Logistic Regression model can be transformed to partial scores with scaling so that they reflect the impact of the separate attribute on the final decision and lead to the expected Scores ranges.

There are two popular approaches for the scaling of the Logistics Regression coefficients ($\beta_i$ - LogReg coefficient for the variable $X_i$, $\alpha$ - LogReg intercept, n - number of the independent variables $X_i$):

$$ Factor = pdo/ln(2) $$

$$ Offset = Target Score — (Factor × ln(Target Odds)) $$

$$ Score_i = Offset/n - (\beta_i +\alpha /n)\times Factor $$

The scaling procedure can be extended with WOE correction - this approach allows to consider the dependencies in the novel labeled data:

$$ Score_i = Offset/n + (\beta_i \times WOE_i+\alpha /n) \times Factor $$


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BricksMachine LearningScorecard

BricksAnalytics → Credit ScoringScorecard

BricksUse Cases → Credit Scoring → Credit Scoring ModelScorecard

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