
Sassafras Tech Collective is an American worker-owned co-op focused on web and app design and development. Sassafras offers comprehensive design and development services, including user-research and UX design, interaction and graphic design, usability testing, and a wide range of custom development services as well as hosting and maintenance. The cofounders centered their research and practice on issues of technology and social change, working for social justice organizations, nonprofits, researchers, and academics. Design Action Collective is an independent design and visual communications organization in Oakland, California, that provides graphic design, web development, and new media services—primarily for partner organizations working toward economic and social justice.[i] Design Action Collective began in 2002 as a spin-off of the Inkworks Press Collective, connecting it to a tradition of worker-owned collectives formed by workers in press and print shops. Sassafras and Design Action are just two examples of a growing movement of worker-owned design and tech cooperatives that are organizing and building collective resources around the world.


[i] Design Action Collective, “About,” accessed February 4, 2021, — —

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